Spiritual Direction: a Monthly Retreat for Prayerful Conversation + Soul Care

A spiritual direction session is a prayerful conversation that gives space for communing with God and exploring the inner workings of the spiritual and emotional life.

In monthly spiritual direction sessions, we take deep breaths, allow long pauses, notice physical and emotional signals, and engage memory and imagination to explore God’s loving and transformative work in your life. Each session is different depending on current life circumstance and the Spirit’s movement. At times, our sessions may feel rather organic. Other times, we may include more structured exercises and prayer methods. This approach can help move you out of overstimulation, overwhelm, or apathy into a more relational mode allowing you to be calmed by God’s presence, practice discernment, gain clarity, and become more receptive to the movement of the Spirit in your everyday life.

Spiritual direction is a life-giving practice for any follower of Jesus seeking a deeper awareness of Emmanuel, God with us. It can be an especially helpful practice for:

✨ advocates (including parents), non-profit workers, clergy, lay leaders, teachers, activists, healthcare workers, and others who are consistently serving and carrying the burdens of a cause or a community.

✨ writers and artists seeking refreshment and movement in the creative life.

✨ people who are grieving, disillusioned, or questioning elements of faith in difficult times.

Like the deep questions and expression of the Psalms, spiritual direction welcomes us to integrate the hypotheticals and theological assertions of our faith while we connect authentically and wholeheartedly with God in our real life experience.

I completed a 2-year training through Fall Creek Abbey and have been immersed in this beautiful ministry since 2020, bearing witness to the loving presence and movement of God in each of my directees’ lives. Some of my directees meet with me in-person in central Indiana while several others meet online from various locations across the U.S. and overseas. I would be honored to share this practice with you as you lean into your life with God. Schedule a free introductory call or in-person meeting with me to learn more.

What to expect:

“Darcy’s presence is incredibly calm and accepting. There’s never a sense of judgment or particular expectations. She clearly directs out of her own intimacy with Jesus and holds the space with a deep respect for God’s work in and around me. Tapping into God’s perspective, compassion, and invitations has stabilised every area of my life. Darcy has created and protected a space that allows me to gaze at God and be more acutely aware of his gaze on me. -pastor in England

“I’ve started so many conversations with ‘When I was talking with my spiritual director...’ Spiritual direction is like a mini-retreat, a monthly time of intentional soul care that has helped me reflect on where I see God at work. It has helped me feel more balanced in my emotional and relational life.” -writer and cultural advocate in Indiana

“Before spiritual direction, I felt God intermittently at best. Now, sensing God’s presence feels possible in my everyday life.” -doula in Alaska

I come from a background of church abuse and Darcy understands the unique spiritual challenges that come with that kind of history. I appreciate how she comes with no agenda other than to listen and help me connect with myself and God. I also appreciate the helpful quotes and resources she offers after a session as I continue to engage God in the conversations that started there. Just knowing that each month I will be checking in with Darcy keeps me on the lookout for what God is up to in between.” -office manager in Indiana

“Darcy is a patient listener. Gentle and supportive, she asks unexpected questions that require me to pause for a moment and observe what’s really going on in my head and heart. After avoiding difficult emotions for years, this monthly practice has helped me to care for the parts of my soul and spirit I was neglecting. Now, I am more sure of God’s kindness and love for me.” -lay leader and homeschooling parent in Colorado

“I came heavy-hearted to my first session and immediately felt I could open up to Darcy. She cared for me and helped me visualize Jesus embracing me as I grieved. Darcy is highly experienced in navigating her own emotions and inviting God into those difficult places, and that makes her especially gifted in providing space, care, and words that help me process emotions like anger and grief in God’s presence.” -seminary student and non-profit worker in Indiana

“Darcy is an excellent facilitator. When she expertly led me through a spiritual direction exercise, I felt a noticeable calm and peace and walked away with more inspiration and creativity for my writing and musical life.” -musician, songwriter, and teacher in Indiana